The 5 top reasons your acne regimen isn’t working
- Your regimen doesn’t have ingredients that treat acne. I have had thousands of clients use products that maintain the skin, which is fantastic but does nothing to treat acne. It isn’t enough to wash your face, moisturize and protect. There needs to be a relevant ingredient that treats your acne to see improvement. Book and appointment and learn how
- You haven’t done the regimen long enough – I see clients who consistently try new things weekly or sometimes monthly. This can confuse the skin, dry one day, oily the next?
- You're on a regimen that your best friend recommends because it worked for them.
- You're using products with great ingredients that aren’t strong enough to battle your acne type or level.
- Surprise you don’t have acne. Do you have an acne imposter? Or maybe you have something that resembles acne but was caused by something else.
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Acne Issues